
Showing posts from August, 2009

A walk with style

The security guard shot her a look as she tried to force open the electrically locked glass door, half standing up the guard motioned the lady to use her access card, two fingers drawing an invisible box shape. As if that was the first day she started living in that apartment, she suddenly realized she has to flash the access card to the small black device at the wall to open the glass door. So she rummaged through her belonging in her small handbag - a Louis Vuitton hand bag, a common design with it's distinguishable two alphabets. It took her almost a minute to look for the card, security was watching her all this time, surprise look on his face, he was trying to tell the lady something but she was clumsily busy. She was in a tight blue mini dress showing off all her nice lines, 5 feet 7 after high heels, blonde hair with gentle waves serving as a decorative curtain to her bare back down to waist. In this time of the night, lots of flashy and expensive cars drove pass the drive w