
Showing posts from June, 2008

J Encounter

As tribute to "The Dancing Diva", the next short story is coming up..

The Dancing Diva - J

I have never heard of love over the night. That happens when, out of the sudden, over a night, you wake up from sleep and develop a special feeling to some one you have hardly seen or known. Some one who lives almost a world apart, whom in your entire life may only see on the tv. However this special feeling is so volatile that it is washing itself away bit by bit in hours. In that case, i resolved to write it down here.

Not too cold and not too hot

Twenty six degree celcius today, as i was walking down the street to catch a bus. I wondered is there air-condition in the bus, no such luck. People live in this country, being able to live through the cold weather is part of the objectives, who will install air-condition to "Extend" the winter. I wonder is there air-condition in subway system, no such luck. Again, who will even bother to extend the winter suffering. After all, the whole subway system is built under the city, that is the best heat modulation. Not too cold and not too hot.

Searching for new home

When the night darken, i will sink into my invincible space battle ship. We are living in an unspecified century in the future when human kind resolve to live in space forever, searching for new home to go back go. On our way, we encounter enemy. One by one we eliminate the enemies and move forward in our endless journey. Galaxy is vast and boundless, stars are so big and bright outside the window. It's almost unbelievable; human, as tiny as an ants can survive and live harmonically in this dark, and cold eternity.


I can tell when i'm in a dream, some times when i was in a bad dream. The common guide (or rather, a trick) to identify if you are in a dream is to pinch yourself, however who would think about doing that when they are dreaming. I would. I remember there was once i witnessed to a plane crash while i was on the plane. On the plane with my secondary school friends we were going to a trip in South Africa. The vivid green jungle zoomed in fast in front of us like from the movie on big panoramic cinema screen, and it came the river like a twirling python. We were going to crash. Falling fast thirty thousands feets from the sky. It is such a horrifying feeling thinking that you are going to die, and it is no other people but you, on such a low probability of dying from plane crash. Some how i was aware of the non-reality, i told my horrified friends who was unfortunately also in scene that this is just a dream of mine. I still remember they shot me a look of disbelieve then their express