
I can tell when i'm in a dream, some times when i was in a bad dream. The common guide (or rather, a trick) to identify if you are in a dream is to pinch yourself, however who would think about doing that when they are dreaming. I would. I remember there was once i witnessed to a plane crash while i was on the plane. On the plane with my secondary school friends we were going to a trip in South Africa. The vivid green jungle zoomed in fast in front of us like from the movie on big panoramic cinema screen, and it came the river like a twirling python. We were going to crash. Falling fast thirty thousands feets from the sky. It is such a horrifying feeling thinking that you are going to die, and it is no other people but you, on such a low probability of dying from plane crash. Some how i was aware of the non-reality, i told my horrified friends who was unfortunately also in scene that this is just a dream of mine. I still remember they shot me a look of disbelieve then their expression faded to despair. Well, what was i worry about? Just sit back, let it crash and see what happen next.


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