
Showing posts from October, 2008

Personal Budgeting

Heard this on radio, supposed to be funny if listen. Imagine the conversation with Malaysian Slang. Speaker1: Sigh, why my bank account always empty ar?! Now it's only tenth of the month! Speaker2: Dude, you know what is personal budgeting or not?? Speaker1: Is it something to do with the budgeting from the government parliment ar?? Speaker2: Nolah! with personal budgeting you can cut a lot of useless expenses. After that, you can even buy house, or condo and car and you still have money to last until end of the month! Speaker1: Ohh, like that ar.. so good ar personal budgeting.. Speaker2: Yalah. Speaker1: Eh, do you have 5 ringgit to borrow me ar? Speaker2: Errrrr......... i got no money lah.. Speaker1 & 2: Hahahhahahahahahhahah!!!!

Orange on ulcer

Orange is good. But then it's not good when you have an ulcer in your mouth. It causes pain.