
Showing posts from September, 2008

Fly my car

What does that mean? one of my ex-school friend asked. She doesn't talk to me that much, so she directed the question to another of my closer friend. Nothing very important i replied, i just like the sound of it. Fly my car.


I want to stand in the middle of a great vast green land. Arms wide open, waiting for the approaching tornado to take me away.

Room 5519

Hotel is a strange place. People come and go. Some stay for a day, some stay for weeks or even months. If you stay in a hotel for a long period of time, you might find some part of you attach to it, but not sure what it is. Just as you move out from the hotel and when the next person come in, there won't be anything left, including that part of yours that are left behind. It's just like some one secretly come into you and press a button to reset everything back to its original state. Things and memory will be flushed into void. If you left something, you lose it forever.

Counting Airplanes

I sat on the park bench for an hour, blue sky turned dark blue. Lights from the street lamps were getting more glaring. Airplane climbs higher in the sky above me, some were near, some were far and some were higher. I tried to understand the fascination of watching an airplane takes off. It runs with a controlled speed on the runway, fast enough to let the moving air lifts the airplane wings, physic. Pilot will tile the airplane nose up by making the back portion of the wings pointing upward. With the high velocity air travelling aerodynamically through the newly formed shape of the wings, the plane needs to tile up and climb. Physic. I do remember i once loved to watch airplane take off, felt so amazing. I guess it was because of shear size of the objects that could fly that fascinated me. Nothing of such attract me now. I used to like seeing buses too, i thought it's so mighty to see the size of the vehicle, in compare to its personal car counterparts. I would once be amazed if i

Not talking

"Angus beef with onion..", i found myself said to the cashier. My voice did not sound like my own voice, it's far away, like talking in a windy and vast plain. "with the combo and ten pieces of nuggets" i continued, raised my voice a bit just to make sure she could hear me. This happen when i stopped talking for more than a few days. That's the thing most people been through when they're working or living oversea alone. However not everyone will have the same problem, not like me. I'm not the kind of person that will go all out to make friends, people usually come to me, else i can't be bothered. Plus, to have someone starts talking to a person like me would be extremely rare. So that left just me not talking for a few days.

Soundless Tsunami

I saw the water gushing out from the opening which i guessed it's an entrance to the building, people being flushed out like toy soldiers being flushed down the toilet. Among confusion some people determined to climb the wall to higher ground, toward our observatory. Very soon, the observatory tower where we stood were flocked with refugees. However strange enough, these people who came here didn't look panic, they just came out of nowhere with calm manner, like taking a tour to the city. The water calmed down below as i looked down but there was no sign of any human in the water or anywhere, even dead bodies. Where have they all gone? Then suddenly it shook me to check on my bag pack. It's gone, i just rested the bag pack somewhere on the ground upon running up here, and now someone took my laptop in the bag pack. I couldn't believe it so i checked again. Unmistakenly light, i felt the weight of bag in my arm, it's taken alright. The water has totally calmed down b

Gone The Summer

There she goes together with the summer. I'm glad to have her cloned. Do you mind swiss clone? Her copy asked me sincerely, her eye lashes were long and pointy. I have heard of swiss chocolate, but never swiss clone. Anyway i said i don't mind. She gave me a deep and long silent hug. Let's go back, she said.