Thursday foot reflexology

“Maybe you are addicted to the pain, you are going there far too often. For me, I cannot quite take it.” So our topic of conversation flowed to foot reflexology again, the thing she repeats every week. I wasn’t sure was it because my memory playing trick at me, I remember every time I talked to her, she had her foot reflexology done the day before, and she would tell me her brand new experience, which was not too much of a difference – that is the Chinese guy was trying to speak to her in mandarin during the foot massaging and all that she knew was nodding and smiling. Not smiling all the time of course, imagine it is a foot reflexology session.

“Just once a week” Came her reply. “I won’t get addicted okay, it is so painful but healthy you see. That will be sufficient to keep me going.” By saying this, I wondered she realized that this was the second time I said about her foot reflexology addiction. Not that I was too concerned of her being forgetting things we talked before but I was just teasing her anyway.

“And the last time you did it was not long ago I supposed. Was it Monday?

“It was Sunday. It seems like yesterday’s thing right?” she replied, and then I went like Bingo! Finally she get my drift, I wasn’t expected it after all. Ha-ha.

“Yeah, something like that. I guess I can’t really tell the difference of day now. Maybe through your clothing only I can differentiate day.” I said.

“Difference of days?” She threw me a short question. I could imagine the puzzled look on her face if we were to talk about this face to face, that long puzzled look that seeking for answer in silence. A question that would make me go on forever explaining but I cut it short instead.

“Yeah, I mean when you are either too bored or too busy for continuous uncountable days, you lost track of days. Every day is like same busy or boring day, today duplicates yesterday and tomorrow duplicates today. Like a row of days that carry the same identity, practical example would be like: a row of new cars on display without car plate on, how can you differentiate which one is which one? Not considering their position of display. That is what I meant.”

“But today is today, yesterday is yesterday and tomorrow is tomorrow. That is what I know.” Her replied came up from the screen, as matter of factly and as logically as most people will think, of course.

“In a sense it is, too. You are correct.” I said. In fact where am I getting to? Trying to reshape all the days into identical day and get people confused about my own idea? But I couldn’t help myself to think about: million years ago on earth when these vocabularies yet to be invented; yesterday, today and tomorrow. No calendar and no nothing. How the hell they differentiated one day from another day? A spontaneous thought or by rational thinking or rather practically it would be waiting for the sun went down and came up again. But who gave anything about difference of days in those days? No people sent you newspaper in the morning, no Monday blues on Monday, no ladies night on Tuesday, no movie ticket discount on Wednesday, no foot reflexology on Thursday, no thank-god-its-Friday, no outing day on Saturday and no family day on Sunday. Day just passed us by, and it won’t bid us bye-bye.

“Yeah okay, so what’s with the clothing then?”

“Hmm” I was thinking of how to put it in word before I started to explain again. It will be another hypothesis or yet-to-be-proven assumption. “When you can’t differentiate days, you need to hold on something as symbol to it, like staring at the sun million years ago? But we can’t rely on sun nowadays because it doesn’t give us enough information to differentiate the seven days in week. In my case, your wardrobes indicate day, if you have two weeks worth of clothing in wardrobe, then it will help me to differentiate those different fourteen days. For example; last week Monday, you were wearing a black funky T with silver chain dangling across just below your collar which I commented on, Tuesday a deep brown top with designed opening on both sides of your sleeves, and continuous pinkish on Wednesday and Thursday with different details and black on Friday.”

I suddenly realized that I don’t even remember which jeans I put on yesterday and the day before yesterday, despite I own only two faithful jeans myself. And it’s the end of Friday again, another insignificance day passed me by. Day after day, those fourteen days worth of wardrobe repeats again next week and I shall restart my day counter from zero.


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