Dawn to come

I'm totally into the photograph. It's like obsession. The photograph shows a gay couple, or maybe close buddy. One's head leaning on another's shoulder, sleeping sound. While the other one is staring at the sky in serious concentration. The picture is taken from the side and the couple is standing sideway to camera view. The sleeping guy is wearing an army green outfit to the toes, wearing boots while another one is wearing east india style of rugs and pant. These 2 guys caught my attention for the very first time, but i soon found out there are extra characters in the picture.

Right infront of the guy staring up, there lies a girl looking at the same direction as the guy, also staring up with intent concentration, her left arms on her chest, right hand on her belly and her bottom body is covered by a white cloth.

On the right side of the picture, right behind or beside the sleeping guy, there lies another guy. I can hardly tell what is he doing. His eyes are closed. He looked like he is sleeping but his pose is really odd, half-leaning sideway on nothing and his head nearly touches his left shoulder. I supposed he is dead.

The picture is a bit dark. Some orange light is shining on them, it might be originated from the moon or some lamp post which is not in shown in the picture. The surrounding is all bushes, and there is this eye catching huge plant loom right in the background, the leaf itself is like 6 feets tall.

Out from nowhere there stands a house right in the middle of the photograph, not too far behind 4 of them. The house is old but it looks still solid. There is a spotlight beaming down from the rooftop, i see an old man walking down the staircase, totally natural. The house is half brick-and-iron bar fenced, the gate is small and half ajar. Both side of the house are surrounded by tall oak trees, maybe same age as the house or even older.

There is another structure on the right side of the photo, which looks like a prison. None of the windows are lit. It's dead in the night. Look through it, my eyes travel beyond the prison-like building, further into the picture, there are a lot of lights. It looks like city lights. I guess it's the city belongs to the persons in the photograph or most probably not. The picture reminds me of war, they might be the prisoners of wars, or runaway soldiers. It is just hard to tell. Interesting image.


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