I love you

They live in the same world, like everyone else on earth. The difference is that they live in a big container, sealed them from outside world; they don't know what is happening outside, neither do the outside world know about their existence in this bounded subset of population of their own. They were raised to become a perfect human - beautiful human beings. They were taught to be good, educated to become professionals, and become intelligent. No books, no comics, and no reading material with elements of rage, aggression and sex. Their memory of their childhood are typical - riding bicycle in joy while grandma calling for them to have their meals, once he/she lived in a small house in the outskirt area, by the river or canal. They miss out the most beautiful, or the most breathtaking thing in its invisible existance - Love. She caught his attention for the very first time they met, then they become really good friend, they care about each other but at the same time they don't really know about each other. Both will wonder what is that tension all about each time they are close to each other, breathing each other's breathes, looking each other in eyes, touching each other's skin and get electrified. Like a high tensile expandable rubber string in it's full stretch, in the verge of snap and recoil. They feel it all along the way but - what is that? It is such an odd but at the same time can't-live-without feeling. There live an energy between them, continously providing them but also draining them to depletion if they were to part. Such an unexpressible feeling, tongue will keep searching for an unavailable suitable vocab, the forbidden word.


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