Meeting mochi

The wallpaper selection was not a surprising one, judging by the food they served in the restaurant, any interior designers with common rationality and un-outstanding talent would have choosen picture of similar feel; some japanese women, dressing in kimono, walking down the street of old kyoto, shopping, while the men are happily quenching the sake in thirst. The place was crowded of people, typical a KL-japanese restaurant, restaurant that is always flooded of food seekers. On my left, through the glass overlooked into a chinese normal-food-after-packaging style restaurant, those very common one.

I'm back from a mind-drift after 1 over 10 second, there sitting in front of me, she was still laughing at my last joke. She was wearing a deep blue jeans, milky sleeveless top, the illustration of her top caught my attention at the first 2 minutes. Sucker of human heads, my sister invented the name for me, seeing my obsession in clothing with human face illustrations and paintings. She was wearing one of that kind, the kind of top that will catch my attention when i walk into a shop and definitely will not leave it hanging for display as i walk out, but of course the one she was wearing was a baby size T for girls. Don't like my head, she said. I asked her why. Then her reason was related to some documentary video i watched many years back, some video shoots in those undiscovered parts of the world.

She wore light make up, hard to tell what color was the eye shading, it shone a bit under the bright fluorescent lights. anyone will not have noticed that if they don't get too close, or maybe she didn't even need that at all. She bowed a bit as she bit on the slightly over-sized unagi slice, revealing the earring she was wearing, hanging down from her earlobes like a shimmering chandelier hanging on top of a grand ball room ceiling. But instead of crystal made chandelier, the design of her earring was composed of 3 loosely tied rings, size from small to biggest, while inside the most bottom ring - the biggest diameter one, sat a red a red colored crystal. It was rather an obvious earring she was wearing. I would have chosen a smaller one before i got to know it could actually blend so well with her ears.

Her hair was as usual, smooth and silky, hanging down to her back like a curtain of silk-made black cloth. The hair you can only see in shampoo advertisement video, except there is no giant spinning fan infront to purposely rouse her long hair at this moment. Seldom you can see gold highlighted hair get featured by these advertisement, i guess that is why she never get the shoot. Anyway, not anyone fancies of screening. Naturally, she would comb her hair with her bare fingers, leaving it neatly mess, beautiful in its' way. I made some comment about that action. Cannot is it? Playfully, she answered me in ironic but a joking tone, the way she would choose to reply to my genuine comments sometimes.

Without i realized it, i found the hill of jelly fish noodle suddenly went missing from the plate. She must has finished it while i was too busy, till now i still can't remember when she chewed and swallowed those jelly fish. Or the jelly fish had actually escaped..


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